The Children’s Museum
We finally made it to the Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh. Our friend Jill kindly invited us to join Ella and Jack there. She was also kind enough to drive us. Thank you Jill! This place was definitely a great spot for Quin and Ella. These two started out the day by painting, then doing some work with clay/play dough. They enjoyed some time playing with cars on tracks, dropping parachutes from a tower in the garage room. I was even proud of how they ate lunch together. Quin managed to eat most of what I packed for him. Ella enjoyed some of Quin’s cheese from his sandwich along with some pretzels. Overall they played well and hard. Poor Jack took the attention that came his way, but I don’t think he got nearly his money’s worth.
It was tough for Quin to leave Ella and Jack’s house and head home for his nap, but he made it. I’ve included some photos to give you an idea of what the museum was all about. We will definitely go back again.